The Warwick District Music Promoters Forum was first formed at the end of 1995, and has about one hundred member societies (Promoters). It is run by a steering group who co-ordinate the production of the anti-clash diary, but also, most noticeably, a comprehensive guide to musical events taking place across the Warwick District known as Music To Your Ears (MTYE).


MTYE has now been produced three times a year since January 1996, and is a tremendous help in publicising musical events, enabling promoters to make known their concerts and assisting regular concert goers and visitors to exercise their wish to listen to beautiful live music.

The Forum was initially entirely funded by Warwick District Council, but the only income now is that received from Promoters by submitting entries into MTYE.

The Steering Group

Jo Tucker Chairman
Jenny Lamb Minutes Secretary
Connor Elliman Arts Officer, Warwick District Council
Rachel Middleton Editor/distributor
Jerome Tucker Treasurer
Mark Hickman MTYE Distributor
Darryl Randolph MTYE Distributor
Helen Beecroft Editorial Support
Richard Phillips Editorial Team
Joseph Vale Editorial Team
Jill Jeffery MTYE Distributor
Anthony Phillips MTYE Distributor
Sam Sexton Webmaster
Margaret Jakiel Publicity Officer
Adrian Moore MTYE Distributor
Kate Cox Orchestra of the Swan
Alex Preston Support
Andy Goss MTYE Distributor
Dylan O’Grady Presto Music Marketing & Events Coordinator